I’ve been studying English for years, but …

This is the most common complaint of the migrants and overseas university students Dr Yvonne Perczuk has taught over the past 25 years. Their vocabulary range is often good and their grammar is often technically excellent. Their problem is poor pronunciation…

I’ve been studying English for years, but …

This is the most common complaint of the migrants and overseas university students Dr Yvonne Perczuk has taught over the past 25 years. Their vocabulary range is often good and their grammar is often technically excellent. Their problem is poor pronunciation…

Will I be able to improve my pronunciation?

Yes, if you practise regularly you will notice significant progress each week. You need to commit to doing the practice exercises every day. A minimum of 40 minutes a day …


How long does it take to really see improvement?

That depends on your motivation and your commitment to practice. Most students report that they have positive feedback about their improved pronunciation ….


It’s easy to do the exercises in the classroom, but ..

Practice is the key! I will ask you to focus on different elements of your pronunciation in your daily speech each week with strategies to help you

What about after the program is finished?

You’ll be given a Follow-up Guide Package on completion of your course. This contains targeted pronunciation exercises, a CD and special guidelines for ….


Why teach students one on one?

Each individual has a different language background, a different learning style and different pronunciation difficulties….


What is a ‘Diagnostic Assessment’ …?

Dr Perczuk has created a diagnostic assessment tool, which is used in the first session of a program. The assessment consists of a variety of …

What if I need other English skills?

ie other English communication skills.
In their initial interview, most clients request an additional focus in their training to suit their own professional, academic or social requirements.
Training is offered in a range of skills, including …

  • 1 on 1 Classes
    These classes are one on one and are usually held on a weekly basis...
  • Corporate
    Recommended courses for corporate clients are generally 2 hours a week for 10 weeks....
  • Skype Classes
    An initial conversation online (including a number of diagnostic speaking tasks) assists in identifying...

Pronunciation Tips of the Month Click here for Pronunciation Tip of the month

No two speakers have the same needs!

There is no ‘one size fits all’ program to solve all speech issues.

The Pronunciation Clinic offers a personalized program, which targets your individual trouble spots and empowers you to communicate more clearly and effectively.

Each program package is unique and combines pronunciation training with a focus on specific skills areas to suit your individual needs.

Please select your chosen area of interest below for more information

See Pronunciation Clinic Programs for all program details, and, to see important Pronunciation Tips.